Here I am! A prairie Saskatchewan girl living an adventure in Italy for the next two years. I'm sharing my trials & tribulations, exciting adventures and just talking about life. Join me! Ciao!

Monday, December 8, 2014

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like......Nope!


My favourite season of the year!

Traditionally characterized by pine trees decorated to the gills, glittering lights strung across homes amid a snow covered street, shiny presents below the tree full of love and excitement anxiously awaiting to be opened,  children's homemade ornaments donning pokey branches, Boney M with "Mary's Boy Child" blaring throughout the gingerbread scented house, tinsel stuck to the bottom of your sock as loose strands attempt to flee the scene, garland here garland there garland garland everywhere, my sister's homemade Pinterest wreath wishing good tidings to those who visit, eggnog in the fridge one glass short of a full container, goodies eagerly and silently calling "gain weight, gain weight".....

These are what my senses attribute to the Christmas season.  Images, sounds, smells I've grown up with.

However, this year there is one major element missing from my Christmas scene: SNOW!  My question: how much does this affect my Christmas experience?

Christmas Tree in the centre (Piazza Ferrari)

When moving to Italy, I knew that the lack of snow would not be detrimental in many ways to life here.  Was I going to miss it?  No!  The frigid arctic wind, being chilled to the bone, a sore back from shovelling, exasperation at trying to get the snow blower started, the bone chilling scrape of getting ice off windows, rosy to white cheeks, fingers that feel like they'll fall off, polluting the environment while silently praying command start will work.  Things I didn't think I'd miss, and definitely don't.  Nevertheless, there was one aspect I didn't anticipate on affecting me the way it has: having a white Christmas.

It's been surreal walking to school with a light jacket on, fingers bare to the sea air; or waking up Saturday morning to the sound of a lawn mower (which sounds nothing like a snow blower).  At this time of year usually I'd be layered up, begging mom for 1 more degree on the thermostat, watching the wind chill factor wondering if there would be indoor recesses or if I'd get a few moments to catch my breath, mentally taking note of when I need to command start the SUV so I don't have to scrape the windows.

But not this year.

Nope. I've traded my Sorels in for rubber boots's weird.

Walk to school - first week of December

My "winter" coat ;) December 7, 2014
Barely survived Sept in Sask with this coat.

Admittedly, having always grown up with a white Christmas it's hard to get into the spirit of the season here.  Christmas decorations went up in the school last week and I couldn't believe it.  Christmas? Already?  The Gregorian calendar says yes, but my heart can't seem to get on board yet.  Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not knocking it.  I just........know differently.  And I think that's the struggle.  It became very apparent to me this year exactly how I've always perceived the Christmas season.

Tobogganing, skating, ski trips, freezing off fingers as you attempt to find the ONE light in the string that has caused a blackout upon part of the house.  My learned seasonal Christmas environment has always included snow and frigid weather.  And although many of these winter activities can be done here, especially considering the Italian and Swiss Alps are a hop, skip and a jump away for me, there's a difference.  And I've identified that difference: although many Christmas activities are performed world round in various countries with and without snow, all my experiences have encompassed snow and the cold as a backdrop, however distant it may have seemed.

Baking cookies . . . . . while wearing an apron over layers of clothes as the temperature dropped and there's a small, unseen draft wafting into the house.

Watching Christmas movies . . . . . the sound of a grader FINALLY going down your street (followed by the panic of throwing on a jacket and boats to move the vehicle off the streets in a futile attempt to have your spot cleared and the street slightly widened).

Going out to view the Christmas lights Dad set up in the yard . . . .the crisp crunch of snow under your boots.

Putting up Christmas decorations while singing along with Christmas carols . . . . frost peaking at the corners of the doors and windows.

Staring at the Christmas lights across the street . . . hoar frost enveloping the trees and shadows dancing on the fresh, white lawns.

Within these settings, the traits of Christmas were ever present.  Love, compassion, care, kindness, joy, goodwill.  The change on humanity was evident, even for a short time.  Will that be different here?  I doubt it.  I think the bigger picture behind the season will be wherever you are at this time of year.  Will it feel different - being surrounded by foreign traditions, not experiencing that which I can remember?  Yes.  But it's about embracing the change, fondly remembering the past and overall, being with your loved ones and giving back to those around you.  'Cause that's what the real Christmas spirit is about, right?  And this year, regardless of how different Christmas looks here in snow deprived Genoa, Italy, being together with family will keep the spirit and feelings alive for me at this time of year.

But I must say it's quite the experience to have your perceptions vividly altered right in front of you.

The park - see the green grass ;)

Don't have to worry about an icy walk to school

Laundry still hangs outside to dry

Orange tree still in full bloom

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