Here I am! A prairie Saskatchewan girl living an adventure in Italy for the next two years. I'm sharing my trials & tribulations, exciting adventures and just talking about life. Join me! Ciao!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Best Christmas Gift Ever!

Sorry for the hiatus readers, but holidays called and I answered in full force.  I'm back now and here's the first of the Simonsen Christmas Travels blog posts.

I think back to when I was a youngster (many, many moons ago) and the things I asked Santa for: barbies, a GT snow racer, a desk, the latest gadget/toy advertised, etc.  Trivial material items that make up childhood wishes, hence the lovely toy spread that faithfully shows up in the mailbox known as the Sears Wishbook.  This year though Santa brought me the best gift of my life, a gift I'll forever be thankful for and one that helped me get through these first few months abroad: MY FAMILY!

Just after I accepted my teaching position here, almost exactly one year ago, my family quickly determined that they were going to spend Christmas 2014 in Italy.  Wow!  Tickets were bought and plans were made before I even had my ticket to move here lol.  What I didn't know: this decision made months ago would be something I'm going to vividly remember for the rest of my life.

But I get ahead of myself.  So here's the start of our two week adventure in Italy, know as the Simonsen Christmas Travels.

We begin with......Delivery!

December 19th was my Christmas Eve.  And like a kid typical of this event I did not sleep.  So when my alarm rang much too joyfully at 5:00am the next day I bounded out of bed, ponytail on my head and quickly finished packing, dressing, eating and headed to the train station for the 7:00am Freccabianca to Roma.

Roma....where my Christmas present would greet me after many hours on 3 separate planes with destinations in both Canada and Germany.

Roma....where after 5 hrs on one train, 30 min on another, and 4 hrs waiting at the airport I found myself staking out a claim on prime real estate next to the arrivals gate at FCO.

Roma....where presents greater than anything I've ever received in my life approached through sliding metal doors and slid their arms around me; enveloping me with love and slamming shut the doors of distance that had appeared so many months ago.

That cliché phrase "You don't know what you're missing until it's gone" rang loud and clear right at that moment in FCO as tears streamed down, I love yous were said, and time stood still as I captured the moment and the feelings in my heart.

I knew right then and there that whatever awaited us in the next two weeks, as we planned to sightsee and travel Italy, would be the adventure of a lifetime.....because we'd be together, united once again.

Together...with the ones you love....that's what Christmas is about.  That's what makes it special, regardless of where you are or what's under your tree/in your stocking.  The gift of love and togetherness......that's all I could ever ask for.  Thank you M, S, W & T for giving this to me.  It meant more to me than you'll ever know and I'll forever be thankful. :)

Tried to capture a picture of the reunion
but none of us could stand still at that moment.

1 comment:

  1. What an unbelievable heart filling gift...precious time with a loving family!
